Should you be in pursuit of crystal clear sea, enchanting perfume of the Mediterranean plants and plenty of sunshine, Hvar is the place to seduce you with its beaches, nearby bays and island chain – Pakleni otoci
(Pakleni islands), making your holiday an unforgettable experience. Choose one of the numerous Hvar restaurants and inns to be greeted by welcoming inhabitants and taste exceptional gastro – specialites: fresh fish topped with home made olive oil, with a choice of wine from the island vineyards.
If you are into active holidays, there are tennis, baseball and handball courts, beach volleyball, a net of bicycle and jogging paths and trecks, rock climbing, possibilities for canoeing, sailing, and scuba diving introducing the visitors of Hvar to luscious world of its submarine polulation.
Hvar is known to be very much alive, and its parties and pulsating night life attract young people from all over the world. Accommodation possibilities are numerous, including quality hotels, apartments, rooms and camping sites.
Town of Hvar on interactive map: Hvar town
Hvar town – Things to do
Attractions in Hvar town
Accommodation in the town of Hvar